Kick start the journey towards college with
got college?

We help public school students with less access to college counseling find the right fit for success:  a college where they’ll thrive.


Our Philosophy:

We strongly believe that ALL students can find colleges where they can be successful academically and socially, and where they can grow and mature in aspirations, experiences, and confidence.  We strongly believe that student engagement throughout the process of researching and applying is key.  Our goal is to help students develop lists of colleges to apply to that match their unique interests and needs.  And while the admissions process has become more selective and complex over time, we guide students and families through steps that will identify options and reduce stress, while enabling students to build their confidence and life-long decision-making skills.


Our two primary focuses with students are:

College "fit"
Academically, socially, and financially.  All are important, but weighted differently by each student.  The better the fit, the more likely a student will graduate college, the ultimate goal of this process. It’s important to note that we do not focus on college rankings, because they are irrelevant to how individual students learn, irrelevant to what types of environments individual students thrive in, and irrelevant to family budgets.

Student engagement
The most important aspect of this process is a student who's willing to dig into researching what colleges can offer beyond reputation in terms of learning and growth opportunities that fit into his/her family's college budget.  We aim to empower students to "own" their research and application processes.  Student engagement in this process increases the likelihood they will successfully attend and graduate from a best-fitting college.


we do this Through:

Empowering students
We teach students how to "own" their research and application processes by breaking down the process into timely and manageable steps, with feedback along the way.

Productive searches
Each student is unique.  Students discover what’s important to them and how to search effectively for best-fitting colleges.

Developing Apply Lists that maximize options
One of our main goals is for our students to have multiple, right-fit college options to choose from come spring.  We offer realistic advice about college options, and at the same time, encourage students to reach for their dreams.

Stronger applications
Present academic records and extra-curricular activities to your best advantage.  We advise students on what to include, what to eliminate, and how to effectively detail each application section.

Essays that stand out
Admissions essays are considerably different than typical high school essays.  We show students how and why.  Stand out with with relevant content and the all-important-to-colleges - student voice: the student's story, from their perspective, and in their own words.


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